
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. – Oscar Wilde


Happy new year, everyone!


I can’t believe it. 2020. A new year and a whole new decade. Am I the only one that thought we’d be living like the Jetsons by now? Flying cars, hover trains, homes in the sky? lol yeah, okay, let’s just say I’m the only one to admit it.


So what does 2020 look like for Major Ki? Well, funny you should ask. It’s surprisingly starting off a bit slow, but necessary. As you all know by now, I’ve recently had an ACL reconstruction in my right knee for the second time in less than a year. (fun, right?) I was so geeked up about feeling better the first time after the surgery that I unintentionally jumped the gun with an intense yoga class that caused me to end up right where I started – in a knee brace trying to teach myself how to walk.


But this new year has brought new perspective. In starting the year off slow, I’ve entered a state of reflection and gratitude. A lot of the hardships that came from 2019 were due to inconsistency. Lack of being unable to continue projects from biting too much or too big, lack of upkeep in my spiritual life, lack of truly living and so many more. I just want to do things differently and I know its a mindset. So this 2020 mindset is rooted in consistency, built on love, and flowing with positivity.


I have new habits I want to actively implement in my life that I’ve started and am becoming serious about:

1. Waking up early enough to start my day with God

2. Saving $50 every Friday

3. Food journal

4. Reserving Sundays for creativity and projects

5. Writing more


These might seem like small, minute, or even insignificant changes but every step counts! Even the baby ones lol. So this is how I’m starting. Slow, steady, consistent. By God’s grace, I will write a best-seller, my podcast will be one of the best shows you’ve heard of and I’ll be able to take the Major Ki to the next level – forreal this time! Just have to keep going, but with focus, consistent.


So, what about you? What are your goals? What are some things that truly need to change not only with this new year, but this second chance we’ve been given. That’s what this whole thing feels like, a fresh new start. I didn’t want this to be another “new year, new me” post, but instead an inside look of my real life and how I hope to change in hopes of inspiring you. You might not need to change at all, I don’t know your story. But I do know we could all use some bettering, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


So here’ to 2020 and us just doing a little freaking better.


Oh and yeah, I’m still your #1 place to style, shop, and of course have all your major fashion keys, just check out this dope shoot I did with @tasigh_foto a few months back! (An oldie, but goodie, I promise!)


Here’s a new tip: Got an event coming up? Or, just need a new look? My Major Ki styling services are up an running this year! Interested? Just hit me up on the contact page.


Nicola Twistlock Denim bag available for purchase now!

Get this look! Jacket – HM Bag – Kate Spade Flared jeans – Shop Akira

shot by: @tasigh_foto styled by: Major Ki

Earrings: Kate Spde Stripped unitard: Zara Jacket: HM Flared Jeans: Shop Akira White ankle booties: Zara Bags: Kate Spade Exclusives available on Shop Major Ki’s Closet

Been a sucker for Kate Spade details

Jacket: HM Bag: Kate Spade Flared Jeans: Shop Akira Styled by Major Ki

BIG Mood. All 2020. Shot by: @tasigh_foto

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